Class NoopTraceSession

  extended by org.e2etrace.trace.NoopTraceSession
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NoopTraceSession
extends Object
implements ITraceSession

NOOP implementation of a trace session (does nothing).

This trace session is internally used if tracing is switched off in the e2etrace configuration.

Gunther Popp

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void enterStep(Class clazz, String method)
          Wrapper for ITraceSession.enterStep(ITraceStepId) using a MethodTraceStepId as TraceStep-IDs.
 void enterStep(ITraceStepId id)
          Enters a new trace step with the supplied id.
 void enterStep(String id)
          Wrapper for ITraceSession.enterStep(ITraceStepId) using a String as TraceStep-IDs.
 ITraceConfig getConfig()
          Returns the trace configuration of the session.
 ITraceStep getCurrentStep()
          Returns the active trace step.
 long getDuration()
          Returns the execution time of the complete trace session.
 ITraceStep getRootStep()
          Returns the the root step.
 void leaveStep(Class clazz, String method)
          Wrapper for ITraceSession.leaveStep(ITraceStepId) using a MethodTraceStepId as TraceStep-IDs.
 void leaveStep(ITraceStepId id)
          Leaves the trace step with the given id.
 void leaveStep(String id)
          Wrapper for ITraceSession.leaveStep(ITraceStepId) using a String as TraceStep-IDs.
 void setConfig(ITraceConfig tc)
          Assigns a new trace configuratio to the trace session.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public NoopTraceSession()
Method Detail


public void enterStep(ITraceStepId id)
Enters a new trace step with the supplied id.

In reality, a trace step covers for example the execution of a single method. In this case, enterStep must be called when the method starts and leaveStep when the method ends.

To get exact results, each call of enterStep should be matched by a corresponding call of leaveStep. A trace session can handle missing leaveStep calls. In this case, leaveStep will be automatically invoked when the parent step ends (if any). If no parent exists, no duration will be calculated.

Specified by:
enterStep in interface ITraceSession
id - ID of the trace step


public void leaveStep(ITraceStepId id)
Leaves the trace step with the given id.

Specified by:
leaveStep in interface ITraceSession
id - ID of the trace step


public ITraceStep getRootStep()
Returns the the root step.

The root step is the step that covers the complete service call (i.e. that has no parent step). The id of the root step is used as id for the complete trace session.

Specified by:
getRootStep in interface ITraceSession
root step (null: no trace data has been collected for this session)


public long getDuration()
Returns the execution time of the complete trace session.

Normally for each service call a separate trace session exist. So the returned duration is the overall execution time of the service call.

Specified by:
getDuration in interface ITraceSession
execution time of the trace session


public void setConfig(ITraceConfig tc)
Assigns a new trace configuratio to the trace session.

Specified by:
setConfig in interface ITraceSession
tc - trace configuration


public ITraceConfig getConfig()
Returns the trace configuration of the session.

Specified by:
getConfig in interface ITraceSession
trace configuration


public ITraceStep getCurrentStep()
Returns the active trace step.

The active trace step is determined by the last call to enterStep. If enterStep has not been called yet, the method returns the root step of the trace session (see getRootStep).

Specified by:
getCurrentStep in interface ITraceSession
active trace step (null: no trace data is collected for this session)


public void enterStep(Class clazz,
                      String method)
Wrapper for ITraceSession.enterStep(ITraceStepId) using a MethodTraceStepId as TraceStep-IDs.

Specified by:
enterStep in interface ITraceSession
clazz - Class instance to which the method belongs
method - Name of the executed method


public void enterStep(String id)
Wrapper for ITraceSession.enterStep(ITraceStepId) using a String as TraceStep-IDs.

Specified by:
enterStep in interface ITraceSession
id - String used as id


public void leaveStep(Class clazz,
                      String method)
Wrapper for ITraceSession.leaveStep(ITraceStepId) using a MethodTraceStepId as TraceStep-IDs.

Specified by:
leaveStep in interface ITraceSession
clazz - Class instance to which the method belongs
method - Name of the executed method


public void leaveStep(String id)
Wrapper for ITraceSession.leaveStep(ITraceStepId) using a String as TraceStep-IDs.

Specified by:
leaveStep in interface ITraceSession
id - String used as id

Copyright © 2013 Gunther Popp. All Rights Reserved.